类别: 全球最大的博彩平台

校园焦点:博士. 克里斯•赫德利

Dr. 克里斯•赫德利

Dr. 克里斯•赫德利

博士学位:Robert E. 韦伯敬拜研究所


我出生在大福克斯空军基地, 北达科他, 几乎立刻就搬到了我的家乡威尔斯顿, 俄亥俄州. However, I have now lived in East Tennessee, longer than any other place in my life.


在学校里,我有很多杰出的音乐老师, but my earliest memory of realizing how much I loved music was in the third grade. 夫人. 乐意的 decided we would try a full production musical, “Cabbage Patch Kids.” I was the lead character, Colonel Casey, and I can still sing every word of my big solo. Silly, but it captured my imagination and started my desire to become a musician. 夫人. 乐意的, 他也是我们教堂的风琴手, became my piano teacher and later taught me organ and how to direct a choir.


俄亥俄州的威尔斯顿是一个非常乡村的阿巴拉契亚小镇. The only musicians I knew were the famous ones on the radio and schoolteachers. Until I went to college, I had no idea that there was anything else I could do in music. 当我感觉到主呼召我从事全职的职业事工, 我以为那意味着当主任牧师. 幸运的是, 在里士满上大学的时候, 维吉尼亚州, I attended a large church with many great pastors who 导师ed me and gave me the opportunity to work with students as well as in the music and worship ministry. It was in those 导师ing relationships that I began to see the possibility of music in the form of worship leadership becoming God’s call for me.  

What excites you most about your new role as chair of C-N’s Music Department?

我非常认同卡森-纽曼的使命宣言. When we say that our mission is to “help our students reach their full potential as educated citizens and worldwide servant-leaders,我听到了“导师”和“弟子”这两个词.” It excites me to consider how this world will be changed by the students who we train, 导师, 和弟子, right here – the music educators who will work with and inspire their students, 他们要为神的荣耀唱歌弹琴, and the worship leaders and church musicians who will serve their churches as musicians have for millennia.  

当你展望未来, what is your hope for Carson-Newman students choosing to study music at Mossy Creek, 以及在卡森-纽曼学习音乐有何不同?

在过去的几周里, I’ve been working to develop a statement for our music department syllabi. 我希望我们的学生成为各自领域的佼佼者, and I want them to understand the power of music as it was designed by God for His glory.

“作为基督徒, we recognize that our God has been creative from the very beginning of human existence. The heavens declare His glory and the skies proclaim His handiwork (Psalm 19:1). 他用歌声宣告他儿子的诞生(路1:46-55), 天使的宣告(路加福音2:8-12), and a spectacular display of light (Luke 2:13-14; Matthew 2:9). 在救恩, 他用牺牲的比喻来描述他对我们的爱, 使他的儿子像羔羊一样被牵到宰杀之地(以赛亚书53章). When He established a way for us to remember the essentials of the Gospel, He created the symbols of the Lord’s Supper (Matthew 26:26-29; Luke 22:19-20; Mark 14:22-24; 1 Corinthians 11:23-25) and Baptism (Colossians 2:12-14). 为了他自己的赞美, He created mankind and gave to us the arts to use for His glory (Isaiah 43:21; Romans 12:1; Ephesians 5:19; Revelation 4:11).

Though we acknowledge that artists may create mediums with a decidedly non-Christian or even anti-Christian ethos, 上帝对音乐的最初设计, 无论是世俗的还是神圣的, 是为了他的荣耀. 作为一所基督教大学, Carson-Newman invites us to investigate these intersections of our faith with the academic study of music. 我们的教育不仅仅是一种学术追求, 而是一个思考生命中更深层次问题的机会, 发展基督教的世界观, and to pursue with excellence both our faith and our field of study (adapted from 推进卡森-纽曼的基督教使命).”

你要自驾游. 你的播放列表中有哪些艺术家?

有些人听到这个可能会感到惊讶, 但至少在车里是这样, 我喜欢安静或媒体,如体育广播, 新闻, 或者单口喜剧.

在思考不同的艺术家, is there a particular artist or group you would admit listening to as a guilty pleasure?

I’m showing my age, but I still love the music of my childhood and teenage years. 八九十年代的音乐是我的最爱. 我也喜欢听音乐剧.

When you’re not working, what are some things you enjoy doing, whether by yourself or with family?

我喜欢所有的水上运动——滑水、游泳. 我最喜欢的放松活动是在蜿蜒的路上开一段很长的车. 和我的家人一起,我喜欢出去吃冰淇淋. It provides one of those rare opportunities for uninterrupted time together.  We also enjoy going to the movies and spending days together at Dollywood or Splash Country.







你在电影院看的最后一部电影? 从1到5,你给它打几分?

头脑特工队2. 这是一个坚实的4向5推进.

你有一周的假期. 你是去山上,还是去海滩?

这应该是一个简单的答案. I prefer the mountains, but every other member of my family prefers the beach, at least for vacation. 结果,我学会了爱海滩,只是为了和他们在一起.


但如果我告诉你,你就会知道. 我曾经是我妻子的法定监护人. 我们结婚的时候比较年轻——我只有21岁,她20岁. We didn’t know that when you get on a cruise ship that you must be 21 years old or have a legal guardian agree to be responsible for you while on the ship. 我喜欢这个故事. 我的妻子,不太喜欢.


My friend and former music specialist for the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, Dr. 保罗·克拉克鼓励我拿到博士学位. 他相信我,觉得我会喜欢这个过程. 在我攻读博士学位的时候, several of the faculty here at C-N invited me to lecture in their classes. As I observed this amazing music faculty work with students and then had my own experiences here as an adjunct professor, all the while being encouraged by my own 导师s – so many people invested in me that the thought of returning that investment to future musicians became my dream. 我感谢上帝给我这个机会.






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